


Who the hell are we? Australia's freshest wedding and event hire platform is here!

  • By: Every Event Admin
  • April 19, 2022



Let’s start by saying, we LOVE events, actually, we are slightly obsessed but we won't get into that right now. Boy, what a crazy couple years it's been. If COVID has taught us anything, it’s that gone are the days where you could control every little detail and gone are the days where the seating chart was the most stressful part of planning.

I think that those who are planning events, and brides in particular have learnt a great deal over the last couple years about what is really important for their special day and that it doesn’t actually have to be “perfect” on paper because realistically, it’s going to be perfect for you anyway.

So... this brings us back to why we actually started Every Event. I had the typical getting married process where we got engaged late 2018, had an engagement party early 2019 and began the wedding planning fiasco. So, we set a date for March 28th 2020 which meant 15 months of wedding planning fun. Fastforward to March 17th 2020 and BAM, weddings are banned by Scomo, 11 days before our wedding date.

Having to grasp the concept of our wedding being cancelled was totally out of this world, never have any of us experienced something like this, and our poor event suppliers just didn’t know what to do with themselves, none of us did. Anyway, we reset the date for December 12th 2020 where we had the most amazing day, with dancing, no masks in sight (thank goodness) and drinking the night away.

Now don’t get me wrong, we were very lucky everything worked out but it was the most stressful year of my life and the day looked like it wasn’t going to happen MANY times, but we managed to just scrape through.

So, 6 months later I’m sitting on my couch wondering how many hours of my life I had wasted over those 21 months of wedding planning, trying to find the perfect hire items within my budget, thinking about the hundreds of emails I sent to different suppliers getting quotes and availability, then having to compare my options etc (what a drainer). And then it hit me... wouldn’t it have been so much easier if I could’ve just gone to one spot where all my options that I needed were right in front of me.

And so, Every Event was born. I could not understand how this wasn’t a thing already, literally nowhere in Australia was anyone offering something like this other than a directory, but with a directory I still needed to do all the hard work.

So, I wanted to create something that made the event planning process easier, simpler and less stressful because let’s be honest, planning events was hard even before COVID graced us with it's lovely presence. So that’s our story, we’ve had such amazing feedback from clients and suppliers and we are just so excited to see where this takes us.

Have a play on Every Event, there are items that you probably haven't even seen before or knew existed, and that’s the most exciting part! Remember, planning events DOESN'T have to be stressful (there will be moments, let's be realistic here) but if we can make it that little bit easier for you, then let us!

Thanks for listening, if you enjoyed this blog, I’d love for you to share it so that we can help those who may not have heard of us yet.

Mariah xx

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